Kings River Conservation District - 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE
Kings River Conservation District - 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE
A. Applicant Information
Requesting Agency Information
![]() |
Agency Name: | Kings River Conservation District | ||
Address: | 4886 E Jensen Ave | ||
City: | Fresno | Zip: | 93725 |
Work Phone: | (559) 237-5567 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
Revision Request Manager Information
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Person Name: | Eric Osterling | ||
Address: | 2975 North Farmersville Blvd. | ||
City: | Farmersville | Zip: | 93223 |
Work Phone: | (559) 302-9987 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification
Modify the subbasin boundary to correct small segments that divide various local jurisdictions.
- Jurisdiction Internal
Kings River Conservation District proposes to modify the Tulare Lake Subbasin as follows: A) Follow the western boundary of Dudley Ridge Water District where is crosses to the west of the California Aqueduct, detaching those lands from the Pleasant Valley Subbasin to the Tulare Lake Subbasin, and B) Follow the boundaries of Kings County APNs 048-210-044, 048-250-023, 048-250-032, 048-250-037 and 048-350-037 (one landowner with contiguous lands in the Tulare Lake Subbasin) as they extend west of the California Aqueduct, detaching those lands from the Pleasant Valley Subbasin to the Tulare Lake Subbasin, and C) Include Section 6, T25S, R22E, from Kern County, which is part of the Tulare Lake Drainage District, detaching it from the Kern Subbasin to the Tulare Lake Subbasin. The proposed modifications consolidate agencies and landowners that have a majority of their lands in the Tulare Lake Subbasin. This minimizes the number of agencies and districts each of these subbasins have to coordinate with to manage in accordance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014 (SGMA). On a regional scale, the proposal roughly preserves the Tulare Lake Subbasin's existing shape and size. The proposed adjustments do not significantly impact previous and ongoing groundwater management efforts in the region.
C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests
Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s) Kern-Tulare Water District 5-022.14 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - KERN COUNTY , 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE Kings River Conservation District 5-022.09 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - WESTSIDE , 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE , 5-022.08 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - KINGS , 5-022.07 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - DELTA-MENDOTA Kings River Conservation District 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE , 5-022.10 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - PLEASANT VALLEY , 5-022.14 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - KERN COUNTY Corcoran Irrigation District 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE -
E. General Information

A proposed description of the lateral boundaries is attached. No changes to the current definition of the definable bottom of the Tulare Lake Subbasin are being proposed.
F. Notice and Consultation

Kings County, Kern County, Dudley Ridge Water District, Tulare Lake Drainage District, Lost Hills Water District

In addition to close coordination with agencies involved in ongoing regional groundwater planning efforts, GIS files were obtained from multiple sources including counties, county LAFCos, cities, districts and State agencies. These files were overlaid on a map of the existing subbasins. Included and adjacent agencies were identified and contacted one by one to educate them on the proposal, solicit their input and to gauge their interest in other related areas of the SGMA planning process.

As was explained earlier, KRCD identified and then contacted all impacted agencies one by one to educate them on the proposal, to solicit input and to gauge interest in other related areas of the SGMA planning process. A webpage ( ) was developed which contains detailed information on the proposal, including an interactive GIS map that allows interested agencies and the public the ability to review existing and proposed boundaries at a regional scale as well as at a highly detailed local scale. Countless emails and phone calls were exchanged over the past year between KRCD staff and various impacted parties. KRCD also coordinated over a dozen face-to-face meetings with local overlying and adjacent interests to work through questions and concerns pertaining to certain areas of the proposal.

A public hearing was noticed and held on January 29, 2016, at the Kings County Supervisors? Chambers. Included is proof of publication of the notice in a local newspaper and copies of the sign-in sheet, agenda and materials from the hearing. Below is a link to the webpage where notice of the hearing was also published. No public comments were received during or following the public hearing.

No formal comments have been received at this time. All impacted local agencies were directly involved in the iterative modification process and opted to provide informal input that was incorporated by KRCD into the final proposal.
G. General Existing Groundwater Management
All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.

In cooperation with KRCD and other local agency partners, County of Kings has been recommended for funding through the Prop 1 Counties with Distressed Basin Grant Program for the development of a hydrologic model for the county and surrounding boundary areas. The new model will fully cover the proposed Tulare Lake Subbasin boundary. Also overlying the proposed boundary are three (3) SB-1938 Groundwater Management Plans (GWMPs) and a network of California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) program monitoring wells coordinated by way of a multi-agency memorandum of understanding. These efforts within the proposed subbasin area support a strong foundation for SGMA implementation through the building of relationships, coordinated data collection, technical studies and regional planning.

The proposed modifications seek to contiguously distribute most agencies and landowners so that they are contained entirely within the Tulare Lake or Pleasant Valley Subbasins. Taking such action will reduce the number of subbasins and GSAs several agencies would alternatively need to coordinate with.

Generally speaking, the Tulare Lake Subbasin consists of a shallow aquifer and a deep aquifer separated by a hydrogeologic formation known as the Corcoran Clay. The Corcoran Clay layer varies from approximately 50 to 200 feet in thickness, and occurs at depths of 400 to 600 feet. The soil profile above and below the Corcoran Clay layer consists of very dense clay as well. The soils that underlie the majority of the subbasin (South of Lemoore) are primarily low water bearing, fine textured clay materials with interspersed lenses of silty sand. As such, most groundwater pumping occurs in the northern half of the subbasin while the southern half is more dependent on allocation of surface water. These relatively impermeable soils also limit direct recharge of the shallow aquifer in most areas of the subbasin. In some areas of the subbasin groundwater elevations have dropped more than 100 feet in the past 50 years while in other areas elevations have only dropped by about 10 ft or less. Local agencies have actively monitored groundwater conditions for many years and collaborate on efficient management of the region's surface water and groundwater resources. In wet years the aquifer will show signs of rebound, however reductions in imported surface water exacerbated by periods of drought have resulted in a net average annual overdraft and land surface subsidence that newly formed GSAs will be required to address.

The proposed boundary modification will have only a nominal impact on various state programs, including California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM), local GWMPs and IRWMPs, and various Central Valley modeling and monitoring programs. It is believed that these changes will not significantly change historical regional calculations of water storage and water quality conditions. However, over time these efforts will require investments of time and resources towards adoption of the new boundary.
H. Local Support
All requests for boundary modification must include the following:

In addition to the meetings, emails and phone calls over the last year, KRCD created and updated the website linked to below. KRCD also sent mass and inidividual emails notifying the identified agencies in the Kings and Tulare Lake Subbasins of the schedule and current (at the time) boundary descriptions and proposals.

Kings County Board of Supervisor's authorized support, a letter from Dudley Ridge Water District authorizing the modification proposal and a letter of support from Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District are attached.

No opposition is known to exist at this time.
I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:

KRCD requests a waiver of this requirement as this modification does not include hydrogeologic features that would affect sustainable groundwater management in the Tulare Lake, Pleasant Valley or Kern Subbasins.
L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications
Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:

Currently GSA formation efforts in the Tulare Lake Subbasin are dovetailing off of existing AB 3030 / SB 1938 GWMPs and the intra-basin coordination of those plans. Representative agencies whom are participating in each of the GSA groups are currently negotiating a Tulare Lake Subbasin SGMA Coordination MOU. An early objective of the group will be to cooperatively develop the proposed Kings County hydrologic model recommended for funding through the Prop 1 Counties with Distressed Basins Grant Program. KRCD and County of Kings staffs are facilitating coordination efforts and regularly attend individual GSA formation group meetings throughout the subbasin. At this time it is believed that the subbasin will be managed by 4 to 5 GSAs and multiple GSPs coordinated through legal agreement.